I created this project a couple of years ago and experienced a beautiful, full circle moment a few days ago when my daughter brought me a picture she drew full of loving phrases. I recognized so many of them as things that I whisper in the ears of my children. ❤
This project was inspired by the science experiment that illustrated how when we say kind and loving things to plants, they flourish, and when we say unkind things to them, it stunts their growth and causes harm. People are a lot like plants and trees this way and it all starts with our babies. ❤
All of the plants on the table and bench have loving statements written on them. “You have a beautiful heart.” “I will always love you.” “I am so grateful to be your mother.” “I love the way you see the world.” “You amaze me.” “You are perfect in your imperfection.” “You are my sunshine.” “How is your heart feeling?”
There is a bag of “feed” on the floor called, Nurture Grow: A Special Blend for Whole Hearts (custom made for this project by my incredibly talented friend, Tina, at Crafty Things), with ingredients like, empathy, love, open communication, consistency, healthy boundaries, nurturing, connection, acceptance, and gentleness, to name a few.
Rather than write overtly hateful things on the plants on the floor, I opted to write more subtly harmful statements that many may have heard as children or even say to their children today. They don’t seem as bad on the surface, but they cut just as deep. “What is wrong with you?’ “Why can’t you be like your sister?” You should be ashamed of yourself.” “You are annoying.”
The plants on the table and bench that are basking in the loving and kind sentiments are thriving and blossoming (baby included ❤). The plants on the floor with unkind things written on them are hurting and broken.
This is a little visual reminder for us all that love blooms and helps foster a beautiful world.
workshops and
Noelle Mirbella Photography
# 103 3131 Crystal Lake Drive
Grande Prairie, Alberta
T8X 0B7
copyright 2025